Monday, September 20, 2010


First of all, why would anyone choose to be anything that could get them killed or beaten to death?? Being gay is a natural inclination same as being straight. Until we die and have a personal conversation with God, we have no room to decide who is right and who is wrong. Even if homosexuality were wrong which it isnt but if it were wrong , It would only be so if a persons being homosexual directly affected you in a negative manner. It doesnt....Tom Effing Jim has nothing to do with Greg banging Stacy. Therefore, people need to learn to live and let 1861, the world thought black people were disgusting and inferior. Noone was ready to think otherwise....We forced them to do so and now we are making huge positive differences in the world....Gay, lesbian, transgendered and bisexual people deserve the same chance.

1 comment:

  1. today i was going to put a status up about this.......asking why do we call gay ppl confused but having a broken heart something to learn to live with.....i just discovered the only thing that makes a man a man is his dick and a feel male is her pussy...really...mind body and soul....SEX IS CONFUSION PPL...not who they perfer....Sex is reproduction..not enjoyment..but treating it as such as corrupeted minds ...built a foundation n the generations after us...and is now being reinforce by political it life...i call it a science project
