Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Ma and I were recently talking and we came to the conclusion that I should start a journal. She went on to say if I were brave enough, I should share it. I am definitely brave enough. I figured the best way to start would be to do just that. Start. I will by simply sharing. It won't always be grammatically correct or in proper format but, it's just a way for you to start to get to know my personality.

 I am a 26 yr old student. I am the oldest out of six children and my nephew makes seven. My Moms adopted him. MOMS=multiple Moms. My parents are Gay. I love them. I don't care that they are Gay. I care that they can't hold hands at a restaurant, I care that they can't adopt kids together, I care that they can't be married. I do have a Dad, I love him, I wish he were a better parent but, parents are human. They make mistakes. I have a huge amount of love for all of my parents.

I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. I am almost positive that I have another brother and sister that I have not met. My dad (for some reason that still remains a mystery to me) was quite popular when he was younger and I saw some pictures once of these two kids that I knew, KNEW were my Dad's children. He denies it though, so, I have no way to meet them. I love my brothers and sisters. For the most part we have a good relationship, but we struggle from time to time.

I love Madea plays, I don't care if you think they are ignorant, I find them hilarious. I love my nephew with the passion of a Lioness. I will RAGE AND DESTROY to protect my monkey. He is my heart and he is the JOY of our family.

I am a college student, I plan to become a professor. I would like to teach American National Government. I want to do spots on CNN and History Channel. I love anything that has to do with war or our government. I like just about every documentary to come on History Channel even if I don't agree with it's politics. I will read anything even crap simply because I can't take your word for it. I have to know for MYSELF that it is truly crap. I would marry Stephen Colbert tomorrow but I would definitely still be in love with Anderson Cooper and I would still throw darts at Bill O'reilly. I think he is one of the very few people in our world that should be CENSORED.

I think that I could write until the sun came up and you still wouldn't know me but I am hoping that through reading my blog, you will learn my past and present. I hope my words will give you a glimpse into the dream I have for my future. I will try to write daily. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment.

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