Monday, December 27, 2010

Journey with Me!!

Hey ya'll!! So the new year is coming and I have been working on some things. I started in August but I have decided to carry them into the new year with me to incorporate more positivity into my everyday life. SO I have decided that I am going to start video logging my weight loss journey. I have been working on my weight for years and thus far, I have gone from a size 34 to a size 26. I have been stuck at a 26 for years and as it has become very frustrating for me I have decided to try a whole new approach. Please feel free to follow me and my journey as well as encourage others to do so as well. I will post the first video on 12/31/10 and will do a video a day (whether I have makeup on or not lol) until 12/31/11 and we will see where I am.

I will be discussing my daily food intake, my struggles with avoiding certain foods, my exercise routines, my emotions and everything else that accompanies such a life change. I will also do contests for each subscriber milestone (100 subbies, 500 subbies, 1000 subbies and so on) so please encourage your friends to subscribe. I love health and beauty so I will have plenty of gift certificates and packages to give away. I look forward to sharing my journey with you all. :) Save the date in your calendar and be ready to journey with me on 12/31/10 at the following link.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I suppose I am going to have to do a VLOG about this issue because honestly, I think I will ramble too much to make sense in a written blog. I want to address stupidity. You know it is really disturbing that we allow our children to become experts on video games, computer games, can navigate through any social website yet, they can hardly string together complete thoughts. It actually angers me to see so many of our peers, actually unable to speak properly, to spell even the most basic of words, to use even the proper form of a word. A malapropism is 'the gross misuse of a word'. I feel like there has to be a word for the gross misuse of the English language. I'm not addressing text talk or regular internet jargon like 'wtf, phuck, askin' whateva'' or things like that. I'm talking about lost being written as lossed, practice being written as practised, the misuse of their, they're and there, the use of here instead of hear, where or ever ware instead of wear, close instead of clothes. These types of mistakes in an adult are just plain sad. These mistakes in the language and writing of an adult with children are just tragic. What are you teaching your child?
Some people can not be blamed for how they were raised. Some people's parent bought them video games instead of books, toys instead of paper and pencils and that's okay. However, as an adult, don't you want more? As a parent don't you want more for your own children? You sit on Facebook and you talk about your child with such love and admiration, but you don't take the time out to better yourself? You must understand that in order to teach something, you must learn it first. Your child should be able to walk, unless handicapped. Your child will be unable to grow and be successful if you handicap them by refusing to acknowledge your own shortcomings and seek out ways to overcome them. We can not blame the world for what happens in our homes at night. You can choose to watch Housewives or try out a new 27 piece or you can pick up a book and read it to your child. You can give her crayons and send her on her way or you can teach her to write her name. You can say 'gimme dat lil' girl' or you can say 'Morgan, bring me that pen.' Children are sponges and they will soak up whatever they can good or bad. Try to provide them with as much good as possible. They deserve it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sneaky little bastard

It's so odd how quickly grief sneaks up on you. Everytime I think I am over losing my grandmother, I see a picture or hear a song, read a poem or smell her perfume and the tears come. They overtake me as if she had just died three minutes ago. I dont think I can ever think of her and not be sad that she is gone. I loved her so so damn much. She was my world man...SMH. I truly dont understand why it hurts so much. I never wanted her to stay in pain. She was so sick and it was definitely time for her to move on but that selfish part of me is screaming in pain for her to come back. I need her here with me, guiding me and loving me when no one else did. Now she's gone and I just feel alone. I'm the damn ant in the beehive again. I miss her.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I know a lot of people were very upset about this whole Antoine Dodson issue. They claimed that the media was exploiting poor black folks and allowing us to 'make fools of ourselves for profit.' WOW.

When a person is attacked, they respond in the best way they see fit. Antoine Dodson looked a hot mess, yes. He sounded insane, agreed. He should NOT have threatened someone on t.v, maybe. HOWEVER, he had every right to respond to what had happened. Honestly, we all know that had that response not gained the notoriety it did, the issue of a break- in at the projects would have been politely swept under a rug. I gotta give him some credit for becoming an artist in the process. LOL Make yo' paper boo-boo lol