Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sneaky little bastard

It's so odd how quickly grief sneaks up on you. Everytime I think I am over losing my grandmother, I see a picture or hear a song, read a poem or smell her perfume and the tears come. They overtake me as if she had just died three minutes ago. I dont think I can ever think of her and not be sad that she is gone. I loved her so so damn much. She was my world man...SMH. I truly dont understand why it hurts so much. I never wanted her to stay in pain. She was so sick and it was definitely time for her to move on but that selfish part of me is screaming in pain for her to come back. I need her here with me, guiding me and loving me when no one else did. Now she's gone and I just feel alone. I'm the damn ant in the beehive again. I miss her.

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