Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I know a lot of people were very upset about this whole Antoine Dodson issue. They claimed that the media was exploiting poor black folks and allowing us to 'make fools of ourselves for profit.' WOW.

When a person is attacked, they respond in the best way they see fit. Antoine Dodson looked a hot mess, yes. He sounded insane, agreed. He should NOT have threatened someone on t.v, maybe. HOWEVER, he had every right to respond to what had happened. Honestly, we all know that had that response not gained the notoriety it did, the issue of a break- in at the projects would have been politely swept under a rug. I gotta give him some credit for becoming an artist in the process. LOL Make yo' paper boo-boo lol

1 comment:

  1. I think he is hilarious. I love him. He only became famous because the Gregory's got bored and decided to make a funny video of him. Antione is not to blame for his fame. People I don't think realize that.
    I think its now getting a bit more and more over with. A little over the top with everything he's doing now. But the original news report of him is the best yet
